
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from plotnine import *

Stacked Histogram#

mpg = pd.read_csv("data/mpg.csv")
mpg = mpg.rename(columns={"class": "types"})
manufacturer model displ year cyl trans drv cty hwy fl types
0 audi a4 1.8 1999 4 auto(l5) f 18 29 p compact
1 audi a4 1.8 1999 4 manual(m5) f 21 29 p compact
2 audi a4 2.0 2008 4 manual(m6) f 20 31 p compact
3 audi a4 2.0 2008 4 auto(av) f 21 30 p compact
4 audi a4 2.8 1999 6 auto(l5) f 16 26 p compact
x_var, group_var = "displ", "types"

    ggplot(mpg, aes("displ", fill="types"))
    + geom_histogram(bins=30, color="black")
    + labs(title=f"Stacked Histogram of ${x_var}$ colored by ${group_var}$")


mpg_selected = mpg.query("types in ['compact', 'suv', 'minivan']")
binwidth = 1.5

    ggplot(mpg_selected, aes("cty", fill="types"))
    + geom_density(aes(y=after_stat("count*binwidth")), alpha=0.6)
    + geom_histogram(
        aes(fill="types", y=after_stat("count")),
    + labs(
        title="Density plot",
        subtitle="City Mileage Grouped by Types",
        x="City Mileage",
        fill="# types",


    ggplot(mpg, aes("types", "hwy"))
    + geom_boxplot(aes(fill="types"), notch=False)
    + labs(
        title="Box plot",
        subtitle="City Mileage grouped by Class of vehicle",
        x="Class of Vehicle",
        y="City Mileage",


email = pd.read_csv("data/email_campaign_funnel.csv")
Stage Gender Users
0 Stage 01: Browsers Male -1.492762e+07
1 Stage 02: Unbounced Users Male -1.286266e+07
2 Stage 03: Email Signups Male -1.136190e+07
3 Stage 04: Email Confirmed Male -9.411708e+06
4 Stage 05: Campaign-Email Opens Male -8.074317e+06
    ggplot(email, aes(x="Stage", y="Users", fill="Gender"))
    + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.6)  # Fill column
    + scale_y_continuous(
        breaks=np.arange(-1.5e7, 2e7, 5e6),
        labels=[*np.arange(1.5, 0, -0.5), *np.arange(0, 2, 0.5)],
    + coord_flip()
    + labs(title="Email Campaign Funnel")
    + theme(plot_title=element_text(hjust=0.5), axis_ticks=element_blank())